Two More Weeks to Answer the Call

Two weeks.

There are just two weeks to respond to a call to action.

A call to prayer.

A call to encircle our nations in protection strength through prayer.

On October 7 - the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, anniversary of the Miracle of Lepanto, and the close of the 54 Day for Our Nation -  Americans will join International brothers and sisters to pray for our respective nations. 

Will you be among those praying? Will you answer the call to be a part of the 
Rosary Coast to Coast?

Source: Rosary Coast to Coast

To do so, see if there is already a prayer location planned near you or create your own event in order to answer the clarion call of the Holy Spirit through Our Lady - a call trumpeted at Fatima, LaSalette, Akita, and Quito.

I look forward to praying with you - side-by-side if you're local to me and in spirit if you are not.
Two More Weeks to Answer the Call Two More Weeks to Answer the Call Reviewed by Unknown on September 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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