Dear Mama,
Have you had a difficult day? A challenging night?
Have you wondered why God gifted you a husband and children, when you are apparently are ill-equipped to effectively fill your calling as wife and mom?
So much undone, right? So many people and things needing your attention... So little energy or patience left for any of it.
Yep, I've been there.
Are you tired? Worn? Depleted? Discouraged?
Perhaps even frustrated and a bit angry?
Have you ever felt that there is too much to do and too little day to do it in? Too many things and people needing your attention and not enough of you to go around? Much less enough of you to do so and to get a sound portion of sleep.
Do you ever just feel like, I simply cannot do all this by myself anymore?
Well... you're right. You cannot.
And you don't need to. The Lord God is your help.
Cry if you need to, but as you do, cry out to Him. Ask Him to help.
Give everything over to Him, confident that in your distress and sorrow you can call upon His name. He is gracious and merciful and is there waiting for you.
Mama, trust me on this. You are not alone. I've been in a similar spot as you and I can attest: He is there - even amidst the mayhem of motherhood.
Perhaps especially amidst it.
He is wise and loving.
He knows everything you need, and, sometimes, all you need is a deep breath and a reset.
So, go on. B-r-ea-the.
Ask Him to fill you with grace and strength.
Thank Him for loving you and entrusting you with so much.
Ask Him to cast evil away from you and to restore you.
Thank Him for all the blessings in your life... For all the things vying for your attention... For all the people you are surrounded by daily. Especially those you may be most exasperated with...
Thank Him for the very things you are discouraged about, frustrated by, feeling hopeless about...
He puts nothing and no one in your life without equipping you to deal with it - and to do so with supernatural strength.
That's right, Mama. Supernatural. Not Super Mama strength.
Count on it.
And br-ea-the.
Pray. Ask to be filled with His strength.
Recognize joy does not always equate to outward happiness and that even when carrying crosses, joy can exist.
Tap into that joy again, Mama.
Let it permeate you. Let it seep past every bit of negativity you may still be feeling and fill you.
Be filled with gratitude. With grace. With giving things over and offering them up.
Then, if there still remains a proverbial cross is in front of you, just pick it up. Take it and Follow Him.
That may be all you can do today, and it is enough. It is a path to holiness.
Yes, embracing your cross of the day as you follow Him. THAT is enough.
Just to trust. Just to share in His love. Just to depend on his mercy. Just to take a step forward.
It's enough.
Oh, Mama, you may want to, but you simply can't do everything. But you can can do one thing - follow Him.
Choose to do that in this moment.
Christ will strengthen you. I know this to be true.
Br-ea-the. Trust. Love.
Have you had a difficult day? A challenging night?
Have you wondered why God gifted you a husband and children, when you are apparently are ill-equipped to effectively fill your calling as wife and mom?
So much undone, right? So many people and things needing your attention... So little energy or patience left for any of it.
Yep, I've been there.
Are you tired? Worn? Depleted? Discouraged?
Perhaps even frustrated and a bit angry?
Have you ever felt that there is too much to do and too little day to do it in? Too many things and people needing your attention and not enough of you to go around? Much less enough of you to do so and to get a sound portion of sleep.
Do you ever just feel like, I simply cannot do all this by myself anymore?
Well... you're right. You cannot.
And you don't need to. The Lord God is your help.
Cry if you need to, but as you do, cry out to Him. Ask Him to help.
Give everything over to Him, confident that in your distress and sorrow you can call upon His name. He is gracious and merciful and is there waiting for you.
Mama, trust me on this. You are not alone. I've been in a similar spot as you and I can attest: He is there - even amidst the mayhem of motherhood.
Perhaps especially amidst it.
He is wise and loving.
He knows everything you need, and, sometimes, all you need is a deep breath and a reset.
So, go on. B-r-ea-the.
Ask Him to fill you with grace and strength.
Thank Him for loving you and entrusting you with so much.
Ask Him to cast evil away from you and to restore you.
Thank Him for all the blessings in your life... For all the things vying for your attention... For all the people you are surrounded by daily. Especially those you may be most exasperated with...
Thank Him for the very things you are discouraged about, frustrated by, feeling hopeless about...
He puts nothing and no one in your life without equipping you to deal with it - and to do so with supernatural strength.
That's right, Mama. Supernatural. Not Super Mama strength.
Count on it.
And br-ea-the.
Pray. Ask to be filled with His strength.
Recognize joy does not always equate to outward happiness and that even when carrying crosses, joy can exist.
Tap into that joy again, Mama.
Let it permeate you. Let it seep past every bit of negativity you may still be feeling and fill you.
Be filled with gratitude. With grace. With giving things over and offering them up.
Then, if there still remains a proverbial cross is in front of you, just pick it up. Take it and Follow Him.
That may be all you can do today, and it is enough. It is a path to holiness.
Yes, embracing your cross of the day as you follow Him. THAT is enough.
Just to trust. Just to share in His love. Just to depend on his mercy. Just to take a step forward.
It's enough.
Oh, Mama, you may want to, but you simply can't do everything. But you can can do one thing - follow Him.
Choose to do that in this moment.
Christ will strengthen you. I know this to be true.
Br-ea-the. Trust. Love.
With love and prayers,
A Mama Who's Been There
(maybe like five minutes ago)
(maybe like five minutes ago)
An Open Letter to Discouraged Mamas
Reviewed by Unknown
September 16, 2018
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